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Article – Bref Eco – Otego Focused on Growth and Development

In an exclusive interview with Bref Eco Magazine, Otego CEO, Thierry Mosa, outlines the company’s ambitious growth strategy. Learn about the key investments and initiatives propelling Otego to the forefront of the industry.

Otego has expressed its gratitude to key investors GENEO Capital Entrepreneur, Eximium, and Bpifrance for their ongoing support and belief in the company’s vision. The company attributes its growth and success in part to this strategic partnership.

Additionally, Otego has received recognition from Bref Eco for its contributions to the textile industry. Featured in a recent issue, the company highlighted its journey and advancements in the sector.

Central to Otego’s strategy is a strong commitment to sustainability. The company is focused on reducing its carbon footprint and adopting eco-friendly practices while driving business growth. These efforts align with the company’s “Cap 2030” objectives, which prioritize sustainable development.

For a deeper dive into Otego’s sustainability initiatives and future plans, readers are encouraged to explore the full interview at Bref Eco Magazine.

Interview by Bref Eco Magazine, July 2024 Textile Economy 

Bref Eco Magazine Highlight of Otego
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